Friday, August 31, 2007

The Trance of Spirituality

The Trance of Spirituality

Have you ever noticed how you can say one thing, think something different and feel in your body something else all together? Consider say " I have forgiven them" yet you think "but I hope I never see them again" and you feel a tension in your body of resisting the impulse to to punch them in the face.

Sound familiar? This is this split mind at work and IS the level most "spiritual" people achieve. Of course they won't tell you that as they have so thoroughly repressed their body's feelings and emotions they are excellent at pretending their way through in their "heads" disconnected from the feelings in their body. This split leads to most illnesses and emotional breakdowns as its dishonest at it's core.

Honesty is when the thoughts, words and feelings are ALL aligned and coherent. This is rarely achieved as most keep themselves in their spirituality trance repeating self hypnotic beliefs, positive thinking affirmations and ongoing "prayers" to overcome the way they really FEEL inside their body at their core!

Now don't get me wrong..some shift is better than none..and positive thinking,prayers etc sure beats negative thinking and not praying..but its NOT enough!

Most stop here and run around in La la land thinking everything will now go wonderfully as they have learned the Secret! (This is the trance of spirituality) Yet this often only causes more distress as it sets up another opportunity to fail and feel unworthy, inadequate or not good enough to have ones desires go unfulfilled.

I myself have gotten caught in this silly game many times as I trained my mind so well though meditation, A Course in Miracles and many other mind development
techniques I denied the natural impulses in my body. (and oh my what an incredible release to access them and release them! ) .Eventually we all have to face our humanness and realize we may not be "of this world" but we do "live in it" and our bodies are the condensed levels of consciousness that we live through here that acts as our unconscious mind! That's right the body is the unconscious mind and it's only through our feeling in the body that we access our true power.

Although overlooked by most even A Course in Miracles..a mind training spiritual psychotherapy tells us " The body is the means by which God's Son returns to sanity" The course is clear how the ego displaces its' feelings of guilt into to the body to keep it hidden!

What I am trying to share with you is that until we are fully aligned with our body and mind we are in a trance of self deception that the ego promotes. The ego seeks to keep us from looking within at what it has hidden in the unconscious mind/body. The ego never wants us to experience our true peace and will always be in conflict, self sabotaging or not feeling our core essence as we are afraid to look within the hidden recesses of the body.

This is why I recently reoriented all meditation and A Course in Miracles classes to get deeper transformation. We dive deeper into the unconscious mind so as not to be just changing conscious thoughts. Only looking at conscious thinking is like mowing a field full of weeds, soon the roots of the weeds regrow themselves causing the same problems over again. I am also making a new CD to explain this much deeper with numerous Course and quantum psychology references.

I hope this short explanation makes sense to you as to why many issues keep resurfacing, why "forgiven" people still bother you and why you feel resistance to situations you thought you already worked through. Perhaps you'll understand there is another way and its through even deeper work beyound whatever you thought it was( if you are conscious of it, it's not its the unconscious aspect of it is below that which is what is creating the problem!)


A Way To Happiness and A Satisfying Life - A Feeling Good and Happy About Your Life Workshop (Early Registration Discount Ends Friday)

Feeling unhappy or anxiety in life is a human trait that occurs anytime poor choices are being made that cause suffering, loss, fear or guilt. Anti-depressants may help overcome some of the symptoms of depression or anxiety and may be helpful for some to move forward in their life but it doesn't*t address the cause of the problem. This is why I am doing this special workshop. This workshop will teach you how to correct perceptions, attitudes and choices to discover a workable way new ones that bring greater happiness. For over a decade I have worked with hundreds of people diagnosed as bi-polar or suffering from depression and anxiety to achieve consistent results for all completing my program.
The purposes of this program are:

1- To become happier and more relaxed without medication and either reducing or no longer taking anti-depressants if currently being taken

2- To learn helpful living skills to experience more happiness and less sadness while removing unconscious and repressed issues in the body/ mind/spirit.

3- To Reverse many of the negative *side effects* from the medication including loss of sexual drive, anxiety and insensitivity.

4- To Reconnect to the body, family and inner creative impulses to feel more relaxed,happier and alive again.

As all our workshops are..we guarantee full satisfaction upon completion and offer a full course refund if not satisfied upon finishing the complete program.

This is a program that is very experiential in nature and will include bioenergetics, yoga, centering, breath retraining, detoxification of mind and body, self hypnosis, NLP and coaching.

When: Monday September 24th at 7:30 p.m.( Each Monday for 9 weeks)

Cost:$252 if paid by Sept 1st - $288 after wards-PLEASE CALL KARA AT THE QUANTUM HEALING CENTER TOREGISTER AT 561-272-3733

Any participants on medication are asked to inform and get permission from their prescribing physician to do this program to supervise their medication withdrawal if this is desired. This workshop does not offer medical advice or diagnosis of any kind.

The next Sacred Women's Circle is September 9th Sunday at 6:30pm with a special guest speaking about creating helpful energy in your home.