Friday, October 26, 2007

A Course in Miracles - Building a Foundation of Miracle Mindedness

Building a Foundation of Miracle Mindedness - A Course in Miracles by Brian Sheen is now available as a digital download you can listen to on your computer or take with your on Ipod. You can download one at a time or do them all at once...Enjoy!

CD 1 - Love Presence
Building a Foundation of Miracle Mindedness
A Course in Miracles

CD 2 - The Journey to Living
a Life in Miracles
Building a Foundation of Miracle Mindedness - A Course in Miracles

CD 3 - Fundamentals of Our Thinking & "The Need to Be Right"
Building a Foundation of Miracle Mindedness - A Course in Miracles

CD 4 - Our Dreams and Relationships
Building a Foundation of Miracle Mindedness -
A Course in Miracles

CD 5 - Alienation from Love and the Process to Return to
our Authentic Self
Foundation of Miracle Mindedness -
A Course in Miracles

CD 6 - The Decision Maker and Parts of the Mind Foundation of Miracle Mindedness -
A Course in Miracles

CD 7 - The World of Conflict
in Which we Live
Building a Foundation of Miracle Mindedness - A Course in Miracles

CD 8 - Elements of the Wrong Mind
Building a Foundation of Miracle Mindedness -
A Course in Miracles

CD 9 - The Right Mind and
the Guiding Light Within
Building a Foundation of Miracle Mindedness - A Course in Miracles

CD 10 - Our True Source - Love, God and Oneness - Experiencing the Practice of Forgiveness
Building a Foundation of Miracle Mindedness - A Course in Miracles

CD 11 - A Prayer for Miracles
- Joining Together
Building a Foundation of Miracle Mindedness - A Course in Miracles

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Clear Mind Open Heart Meditation as Digital Download

Clear Mind Open Heart Meditation is now available as a digital download on for listening to on your mp3 player or Ipod...

Clear Mind Open Heart Meditation

Thursday, October 4, 2007

October Class and Events at the Quantum Healing Center

Drop by the Quantum Healing Center in Delray Beach for a meditation or yoga class, or enjoy one of our special events this month...

Click for the pdf version of the full listing...

Friday, August 31, 2007

The Trance of Spirituality

The Trance of Spirituality

Have you ever noticed how you can say one thing, think something different and feel in your body something else all together? Consider say " I have forgiven them" yet you think "but I hope I never see them again" and you feel a tension in your body of resisting the impulse to to punch them in the face.

Sound familiar? This is this split mind at work and IS the level most "spiritual" people achieve. Of course they won't tell you that as they have so thoroughly repressed their body's feelings and emotions they are excellent at pretending their way through in their "heads" disconnected from the feelings in their body. This split leads to most illnesses and emotional breakdowns as its dishonest at it's core.

Honesty is when the thoughts, words and feelings are ALL aligned and coherent. This is rarely achieved as most keep themselves in their spirituality trance repeating self hypnotic beliefs, positive thinking affirmations and ongoing "prayers" to overcome the way they really FEEL inside their body at their core!

Now don't get me wrong..some shift is better than none..and positive thinking,prayers etc sure beats negative thinking and not praying..but its NOT enough!

Most stop here and run around in La la land thinking everything will now go wonderfully as they have learned the Secret! (This is the trance of spirituality) Yet this often only causes more distress as it sets up another opportunity to fail and feel unworthy, inadequate or not good enough to have ones desires go unfulfilled.

I myself have gotten caught in this silly game many times as I trained my mind so well though meditation, A Course in Miracles and many other mind development
techniques I denied the natural impulses in my body. (and oh my what an incredible release to access them and release them! ) .Eventually we all have to face our humanness and realize we may not be "of this world" but we do "live in it" and our bodies are the condensed levels of consciousness that we live through here that acts as our unconscious mind! That's right the body is the unconscious mind and it's only through our feeling in the body that we access our true power.

Although overlooked by most even A Course in Miracles..a mind training spiritual psychotherapy tells us " The body is the means by which God's Son returns to sanity" The course is clear how the ego displaces its' feelings of guilt into to the body to keep it hidden!

What I am trying to share with you is that until we are fully aligned with our body and mind we are in a trance of self deception that the ego promotes. The ego seeks to keep us from looking within at what it has hidden in the unconscious mind/body. The ego never wants us to experience our true peace and will always be in conflict, self sabotaging or not feeling our core essence as we are afraid to look within the hidden recesses of the body.

This is why I recently reoriented all meditation and A Course in Miracles classes to get deeper transformation. We dive deeper into the unconscious mind so as not to be just changing conscious thoughts. Only looking at conscious thinking is like mowing a field full of weeds, soon the roots of the weeds regrow themselves causing the same problems over again. I am also making a new CD to explain this much deeper with numerous Course and quantum psychology references.

I hope this short explanation makes sense to you as to why many issues keep resurfacing, why "forgiven" people still bother you and why you feel resistance to situations you thought you already worked through. Perhaps you'll understand there is another way and its through even deeper work beyound whatever you thought it was( if you are conscious of it, it's not its the unconscious aspect of it is below that which is what is creating the problem!)


A Way To Happiness and A Satisfying Life - A Feeling Good and Happy About Your Life Workshop (Early Registration Discount Ends Friday)

Feeling unhappy or anxiety in life is a human trait that occurs anytime poor choices are being made that cause suffering, loss, fear or guilt. Anti-depressants may help overcome some of the symptoms of depression or anxiety and may be helpful for some to move forward in their life but it doesn't*t address the cause of the problem. This is why I am doing this special workshop. This workshop will teach you how to correct perceptions, attitudes and choices to discover a workable way new ones that bring greater happiness. For over a decade I have worked with hundreds of people diagnosed as bi-polar or suffering from depression and anxiety to achieve consistent results for all completing my program.
The purposes of this program are:

1- To become happier and more relaxed without medication and either reducing or no longer taking anti-depressants if currently being taken

2- To learn helpful living skills to experience more happiness and less sadness while removing unconscious and repressed issues in the body/ mind/spirit.

3- To Reverse many of the negative *side effects* from the medication including loss of sexual drive, anxiety and insensitivity.

4- To Reconnect to the body, family and inner creative impulses to feel more relaxed,happier and alive again.

As all our workshops are..we guarantee full satisfaction upon completion and offer a full course refund if not satisfied upon finishing the complete program.

This is a program that is very experiential in nature and will include bioenergetics, yoga, centering, breath retraining, detoxification of mind and body, self hypnosis, NLP and coaching.

When: Monday September 24th at 7:30 p.m.( Each Monday for 9 weeks)

Cost:$252 if paid by Sept 1st - $288 after wards-PLEASE CALL KARA AT THE QUANTUM HEALING CENTER TOREGISTER AT 561-272-3733

Any participants on medication are asked to inform and get permission from their prescribing physician to do this program to supervise their medication withdrawal if this is desired. This workshop does not offer medical advice or diagnosis of any kind.

The next Sacred Women's Circle is September 9th Sunday at 6:30pm with a special guest speaking about creating helpful energy in your home.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

How to Succeed with Your Intentions

To be able to manifest your highest intentions in a life or in a relationship there must be an unobstructed channel for these intentions to emerge from. The purity of your flow and your conviction determines the power extended from your core. A pinched rubber hose filled with heavy mud allows a weak and restricted water flow to exit the nozzle.

The Path to experiencing fulfilling relationships is: by living in a place where there is an absence of fear and a presence of trust. Trust and faith, gives your intention greater extension and the power to your into the space of the field of energy/consciousness we exist in. If you fear frustration, un-fulfillment or their consequences, the tension of your inner core will tense, constrict, and prohibit the fulfillment of what you want. The power of an arrow with a chain attached to is weighed down by the weight of the chain and limited by the chains length. Each doubt or belief you get what you intend - acts as a counter force to your intention. Learn to be doubtless, full of faith and complete determination. Intention Counter Intention.

Effort Counter Effort

Yet even as you place this conviction into the arrow of intention, you must completely let it go for you so it is. Any attachment to your intention literally ties a chain to it and weighs it down preventing its freedom of movement to let consciousness organize around it. This often comes from an infantile belief that you will be annihilated if you do not have/get what you want. Your fear induces a cramp that acts as a counterforce a denial of your original desire to receive.

The quest for manifestation is to first commit yourself to recognize and overcome the fear and unconscious avoidance and resistance. Take steps to begin to reverse this hidden self sabotaging aspect of the unconscious. Admit to the destructive side you hold about yourself and others and express it as it wasn't allowed to be expressed back then. Through various activation and rehabilitation processes re-educate the infantile and ignorant aspects of yourself . Churn in your new ideas into other levels of your consciousness and sort through old beliefs, feelings, and body structures. Then you wait patiently for new connections to occur as you to let the infant inside grow up!

A Very effective exercise that can help you connect to the aforementioned idea to release unconsciously held inhibitions and weaknesses is by foot stomping - chest pounding - shouting What about me? - want some too - and ts not fair - Feel the movement and surrender to it emotion - until fatigue or emotional release. Use an image of a memory with a parent or person that best connects you to these feelings to help activate the emotions. You can also visualize another person who represents these feelings to you not getting what you want, or someone you feel opposes you.

Any person not bringing his or her unconscious feeling experiences into consciousness must bring all the repressed material into the next incarnation. The embedded material seeks out circumstance and people for the next incarnation that will give an opportunity to bring this dormant unassembled material to the fore again. Eva Perakos - The Pathwork of Self - To the degree you have not experienced transformation fully of your infantile needs, you must attract similar experiences later in life - the most painful element in it is the un-fulfillment of your legitimate needs as a child. The negation of your real needs creates your false needs. Whatever is real at one period of a persons life may be utterly false and unreal at a later period.

The law of attraction is clear - like attracts like. When your goal, wish or prayer comes from an ego belief of luck, fear or guilt - to prove something, get what you deserve etc. - the genesis of your goal was wished for while emanating in a field of consciousness based in fear, guilt or lack. And this negative laced wish attracts more the like kind of itself even though you verbally state the positive side of it.

The denial of the pain of relationships un-fulfillment perpetuates these unmet needs and projects it into a later time onto other people it is a false need! You can get now what you didn get then! Your ego needs wants are built on separation and therefore are weak and without authentic power. Ego goals often try to prove something to yourself or another, or create a sense of superiority being right or special - &rsquod rather be right than happy.

Your attempts at relationship wish fulfillment can create continued frustration and emptiness until restrictions to self knowledge and inner peril no longer dominate. Then as the super ego steps in with its need to be perfect it uses punishment toward yourself and then toward others, who are now distorted in your mind to appear to be the cause of your negative self feelings. This is termed projection.

Consider this: Real power never requires others to comply and give it to you. Intentions regarding relationships follow the same principals as anything else although these experiences are far more valuable. Relationships provide an opportunity to open up normally closed areas of your heart core and so can show you insidious layers of repressed emotion and thought. Every relationship you enter into is a holy encounter regardless of the out come. Infantile yearnings unsatisfied in the dark side of your inner child emerge significantly in relationships and are a fantastic opportunity for self awareness and correction. The real yearning for love, companionship and sharing can only begin to be fulfilled when the soul is ready to love and give. This must never be confused with the neurotic need to be loved.

The same person who demands others to demonstrate their love first before demonstrating theirs - will never know the truth that giving is receiving and it is true you can reap what you haven first sown! A baby has a small reach as it has limited mobility. It extends it hand to take, to get what it needs to feed it hunger and fill it needs. Instinctual consciousness directs infants while it develops it reach out - only to get what it wants. It gives nothing but it presence and constant demands. It learns to cry to get attention to having it needs met.

Remember needs are of the body and relate to its present survival. Babes learn to love That which fills their needs. Desires or/wishes develop as intelligence does after separation instances occurred when needs weren met. The mind begins its self imaging process and creates the formation of its personality. Desires/wishes are always an attempt based on the past and were efforts of the mind to compensate for what need wasn met in the body. Desires and wishes are hypnotic commands that will now replace the material flow of existence using its belief of wish fulfillments to replace what is they the pictures from the past unmet needs are used to monitor and judge the actions you take today. Wishes and desires are based on imagination - not what is and so it draws one into an illusion based existence caught in the movie playing in their head (perception).

Only when these infant distortions are broken through and adult you learn to give as an adult - from deep in your heart, fearlessly, convincingly, will the depth of a relationship be truly known.

As long as you believe you are really willing to love, but fate is slighting you and whom you can love - you are really ardently engaged in trying to fulfill the childhood need with a substitute parent. The Guide - (Pathwork)

Solution - give up old emotions and beliefs which encase you. - Learn to live in the now - remove all obstructions and real love will fill your present need.

What are adult needs - self - expression, growth, development, realizing ones spiritual potential - and never blaming another for your choices and what is.

Unreal needs are demands made upon others they can never be fulfilled.

To prepare yourself for having satisfying relationships first bring your feelings back to yourself learn to tap your inner resources and open the wells of giving and loving feelings. See the entire path as I show you in the diagram for manifestation The Big Picture of the steps for fulfillment. This is the path to freedom manifestation of your intention.

Remember: No matter how bad your parents failed - they cannot be responsible for your suffering now (i.e. they didn buy you a bike as a kid - so you were deprived and never learned - why haven you bought your own bike as an adult and have someone teach you?) Each time you reference your parents upbringing or past experience as why you made a poor disconnection choice now - you haven taken the responsibility necessary to own your current choice and action, forgive yourself of the mistakes, take corrective action, and peacefully try again.

To succeed in developing core manifestation - it takes a strong willingness and commitment to purify your core. Whenever there is obstruction, un-fulfillment or an un yielding wall in your life, an unreal need has to be looked for. Find and express the voice and recognize fallacy (i.e. notice there are happy people not in romantic relationships).

An infant seeks omnipotent rulership - a special position in which the surrounding world owes it unquestioned obedience. The infant demands everybody fulfill it desires. When it wish can be gratified - and it never can - frustration is enormous. This tension creates a drive for perfection to relieve the tension and obtain the control it feels it. As this is often not realized, feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, regret and guilt build to feed the False Core/False Self.

E xercise: Think of all the many relationships available to you in your work, hobbies, spiritual path, community, volunteering, sports, and other activities. Create a mural or collage of this. Make a mind map showing connections to one another to get a sense of the matrix of your consciousness. Meditate on the pure space of self and experience the unifying connection life has with life regardless of the form, action or location. Learn a deep and satisfying relationship with all of life.

On-going practice: Anytime you find yourself demanding something of others, trying to control everything around you, act hurt to make someone feel bad, do something to gain someone approval, or do something that really goes against who you are and what you value - Stop - Pause - Take a Deep Breath and shout it out This is my (name this infantile strategy) or quo or means of compensation of what I believe I missing) will not victimize myself with this belief anymore. I am aware I can make an adult choice now and I choose to do so. I forgive myself for my mistake and ask guidance for correction of my thinking. What I really want is peace and chose to discover another way to experience it and I open myself to it.